The Digital Hub

The Careers & Enterprise Company's Digital Hub is a shared workspace for a range of complementary activities, designed to support communication and continuing professional development across the Enterprise Adviser Network (EAN) and its Network of Careers Hubs.
"The Digital Hub provides the space to connect, collaborate and learn, bringing together a national community, focused on the same mission
It is the place within our network where we can bring all our knowledge, thinking, assets and people to bear regardless of geography. It strengthens both the national and local delivery of 21st century careers education, helping every young person find their best next step. The Digital Hub only works through your engagement, the more we use it the richer and more valuable it becomes so I urge you all to use it to its greatest potential."
James Moon, Head of Network and Employers
Contact us
If you have any questions about the Digital Hub, email us at:
Access the Digital Hub

Enterprise Advisers

The Careers & Enterprise Academy
Content formerly hosted on the Digital Hub can now be found on The Careers & Enterprise Academy - the new online home of careers leadership for Careers Leaders and all those who work with them to plan and deliver strategic, progressive careers programmes.